
Publications by Centre Author

All Publications for Stacy Todd

Publication The spatiotemporal association of non-prescription retail sales with cases during the 2009 influenza pandemic in Great Britain.
Todd S, Diggle PJ, White PJ, Fearne A, Read JM.

Publication Population‐level antibody estimates to novel influenza A/H7N9
Boni MF, Chau NVV, Dong N, Todd S, Nhat NTD, de Bruin E, van Beek J, Hien NT, Simmons CP, Farrar J, Koopmans M

Publication Human rotavirus vaccine Rotarix™ provides protection against diverse circulating rotavirus strains in African infants: a randomized controlled trial
AD Steele, KM Neuzil, NA Cunliffe, SA Madhi, P Bos, B Ngwira, D Witte, S Todd, C Louw, M Kirsten, S Aspinall, LJV Doorn, A Bouckenooghe, PV Suryakiran, HH Han

Publication Molecular characterization of rotavirus strains detected during a clinical trial of a human rotavirus vaccine in Blantyre, Malawi
Nakagomi, Nakagomi, Dove, Doan, Witte, Ngwira, Todd, A. Duncan Steele, Neuzil, Cunliffe.

Publication Efficacy of human rotavirus vaccine against severe gastroenteritis in Malawian children in the first two years of life: A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial
Cunliffe, Witte, Ngwirab, Todd, Bostock, Turner, Chimpeni, Victor, Steele, Bouckenooghe, Neuzil.