

Publication Dosing antiretroviral medication when crossing time zones: a review.
Lewis JM, Volny-Anne A, Waitt C, Boffito M, Khoo S.

Publication Unstructured treatment interruption: an important risk factor for arterial stiffness in adult Malawian patients with antiretroviral treatment
Peterson I, Ming D, Kelly C, Malisita K, Mallewa J, Mwandumba HC, Lalloo DG, Heyderman RS.

Publication Discordant Immune Response with Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-1: A Systematic Review of Clinical Outcomes
Kelly C, Gaskell KM, Richardson M, Klein N, Garner P, MacPherson P

Publication Spontaneous adverse drug reaction reports for neonates and infants in the UK 2001-2010: content and utility analysis
Hawcutt DB, Russell NJ, Maqsood H, Kouranloo K, Gomberg S, Waitt C, Sharp A, Riordan A, Turner MA

Publication Perceptions of Research Bronchoscopy in Malawian Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Cross-Sectional Study.
McCallum AD, Nyirenda D, Lora W, Khoo SH, Sloan DJ, Mwandumba HC1, Desmond N, Davies GR.

Publication Evaluation of HIV testing recommendations in specialty guidelines for the management of HIV indicator conditions
Lord E, Stockdale AJ, Malek R, Rae C, Sperle I, Raben D, Freedman A, Churchill D, Lundgren J, Sullivan AK; British Association of Sexual Health HIV (BASHH)/British HIV Association (BHIVA) guideline review group for the Optimising Testing and Linkage to Care for HIV across Europe (OptTEST) project by HIV in Europeb.

Publication The gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase to platelet ratio (GPR) shows poor correlation with transient elastography measurements of liver fibrosis in HIV-positive patients with chronic hepatitis B in West Africa. Response to: 'The gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase to platelet ratio (GPR) predicts significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients with chronic HBV infection in West Africa' by Lemoine et al.
Stockdale AJ1, Phillips RO2, Geretti AM1; HEPIK Study Group.

Publication An exploratory cohort study of sensory extinction in acute stroke: prevalence, risk factors, and time course
Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Allali G, Saj A, Bernati T, Sztajzel R, Pollak P, Momjian-Mayor I, Kleinschmidt A.

Publication Neurological complications of sickle cell disease in Africa: protocol for a systematic review
Mengnjo MK, Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Nicastro N, Noubiap JJ

Publication Neurologic signs and symptoms frequently manifest in acute HIV infection
Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Wan Sulaiman WA, Lekoubou A, Hellmuth J, Valcour V, Spudich S.

Publication Letter by Kamtchum-Tatuene et al Regarding Article, "Mechanical Thrombectomy Improves Functional Outcomes Independent of Pretreatment With Intravenous Thrombolysis"
Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Sztajzel R, Mendes Pereira V

Publication Incidence, Risk Factors and Anatomy of Peripersonal Visuospatial Neglect in Acute Stroke
Kamtchum Tatuene J, Allali G, Saj A, Bernati T, Sztajzel R, Pollak P, Momjian-Mayor I.

Publication Comment on "Joan of Arc: sanctity, witchcraft or epilepsy?"
Kamtchum-Tatuene J, Fogang Y

Publication Household Air Pollution and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Adults: A Systematic Review
Jary H, Simpson H, Havens D, Manda G, Pope D, Bruce N, Mortimer K.

Publication Subdural Empyema Caused by Neisseria meningitidis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Ray S, Riordan A, Tawil M, Mallucci C, Jauhari P, Solomon T, Kneen R.

Publication A Pilot Study of Obesogenic Eating Behaviors in Children With Migraine
Ray S, Singh SB, Halford JC, Harrold JA, Kumar R.

Publication Rapid Identification of Microorganisms by FilmArray Blood Culture Identification Panel Improves Clinical Management in Children
Ray ST, Drew RJ, Hardiman F, Pizer B, Riordan A.

Publication Acquired torticollis due to primary pyomyositis of the paraspinal muscles in an 11-year-old boy
Ray S, Iyer A, Avula S, Kneen R

Publication Clostridium difficile: A healthcare-associated infection of unknown significance in adults in sub-Saharan Africa.
Keeley AJ, Beeching NJ, Stott KE, Roberts P, Watson AJ, Beadsworth MB.

Publication Adequacy of Rifampin Absorption after Jejunostomy Tube Administration.
Stott KE, Singh B, Beadsworth MB, Vaudrey K, Khoo SH, Davies G.

Publication Brief Report: Virologic Monitoring Can Be a Cost-Effective Strategy to Diagnose Treatment Failure on First-Line ART.
Vandormael AM, Boulware DR, Tanser FC, Bärnighausen TW, Stott KE, de Oliveira T.

Publication Managing potential drug-drug interactions between gastric acid-reducing agents and antiretroviral therapy: experience from a large HIV-positive cohort.
Lewis JM, Stott KE, Monnery D, Seden K, Beeching NJ, Chaponda M, Khoo S, Beadsworth MB.

Publication Aetiology of PCR negative suspected Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever cases in an endemic area.
Tanyel E, Sunbul M, Fletcher TE, Leblebicioglu H

Publication A case of endocarditis mimicking Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever.
Tanyel E, Sunbul M, Fletcher T, Leblebicioglu H

Publication Ebola virus disease and critical illness.
Leligdowicz A, Fischer WA 2nd, Uyeki TM, Fletcher TE, Adhikari NK, Portella G, Lamontagne F, Clement C, Jacob ST, Rubinson L, Vanderschuren A, Hajek J, Murthy S, Ferri M, Crozier I, Ibrahima E, Lamah MC, Schieffelin JS, Brett-Major D, Bausch DG, Shindo N, Chan AK, O'Dempsey T, Mishra S, Jacobs M, Dickson S, Lyon GM 3rd, Fowler RA.

Publication Convalescent Plasma for Ebola Virus Disease.
Fletcher TE, Fischer WA 2nd, Jacob ST

Publication Apoptosis-related gene expression in an adult cohort with Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Guler N, Eroglu C, Yilmaz H, Karadag A, Alacam H, Sunbul M, Fletcher TE, Leblebicioglu H

Publication Foreign Medical Teams in support of the Ebola outbreak: a UK military model of pre-deployment training and assurance.
Gibson C, Fletcher T, Clay K, Griffiths A

Publication Formulating and improving care while mitigating risk in a military Ebola Virus Disease Treatment Unit
Lamb LE, Cox AT, Fletcher T, McCourt AL

Publication Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Travellers: A Systematic Review.
Leblebicioglu H, Ozaras R, Fletcher TE, Beeching NJ; ESCMID Study Group for Infections in Travellers and Migrants (ESGITM).

Publication Healthcare-associated Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in Turkey, 2002-2014: a multicentre retrospective cross-sectional study
Leblebicioglu H, Sunbul M, Guner R, Bodur H, Bulut C, Duygu F, Elaldi N, Cicek Senturk G, Ozkurt Z, Yilmaz G, Fletcher TE, Beeching NJ

Publication Safety of lumbar puncture in comatose children with clinical features of cerebral malaria
Moxon CA, Zhao L, Li C, Seydel KB, MacCormick IJ, Diggle PJ, Mallewa M, Solomon T, Beare NA, Glover SJ, Harding SP, Lewallen S, Kampondeni S, Potchen MJ, Taylor TE, Postels DG

Publication Late Ebola virus relapse causing meningoencephalitis: a case report
Jacobs M, Rodger A, Bell DJ, Bhagani S, Cropley I, Filipe A, Gifford RJ, Hopkins S, Hughes J, Jabeen F, Johannessen I, Karageorgopoulos D, Lackenby A, Lester R, Liu RS, MacConnachie A, Mahungu T, Martin D, Marshall N, Mepham S, Orton R, Palmarini M, Patel M, Perry C, Peters SE, Porter D, Ritchie D, Ritchie ND, Seaton RA, Sreenu VB, Templeton K, Warren S, Wilkie GS, Zambon M, Gopal R, Thomson EC.

Publication Viridans Group Streptococcal Infections in Children After Chemotherapy or Stem Cell Transplantation: A 10-year Review From a Tertiary Pediatric Hospital.
Nielsen MJ, Claxton S, Pizer B, Lane S, Cooke RP, Paulus S, Carrol ED.

Publication Post-earthquake recovery in Nepal