Read more about key staff working with the Centre at the University of Glasgow's Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology. Potential projects from Glasgow partners can also be found in our potential projects & supervisors list.
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Professor Andy Waters - Deputy WTCGHR Centre Director Prof Waters has >30 years experience in malaria research and together with Dr Chris Janse helped pioneer the development of the rodent model of malaria research, Plasmodium berghei in Leiden. Andy's research interests focus on understanding the molecular basis underpinning the commitment to sexual development in Plasmodium and the establishment of polarity in the fertilised zygote, and a focus on understanding how drugs work against parasites and how parasites become resistant to drugs. Click to read more about Andy. Tel: +44 141 330 8720 |
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Professor Paul Garside - Chair in Basic Immunology The long standing theme of my research has been to investigate the fundamentals of immune regulation in vivo and apply any findings to infectious and autoimmune disease scenarios. A key aspect has been my partnership with Prof Jim Brewer as we have continued to drive innovative approaches to understanding immune responses in vivo. We were amongst the first groups to apply developments in imaging technology to the study of immunological tolerance and provided amongst the earliest demonstrations of the importance of immune system dynamics. Further work on immune priming versus tolerance revolutionised our understanding of the molecular bases of these phenomena and broader impact has been achieved with key publications in inflammatory, infectious and autoimmune disease. Click to read more about Paul. Tel: +44 141 330 7521 |
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Dr Annette MacLeod - Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow I work on single-celled parasites called African trypanosomes. African trypanosomes present a significant burden to large areas of sub-Saharan Africa, leading to an estimated $1.3 billion annual loss to the African economy. The majority of this economic cost is attributable to the veterinary disease Nagana, caused by the animal trypanosome species T. vivax, T. congolense and T. b. brucei. Nagana affects over 20 million livestock animals, lowering herd productivity and increasing mortality. This renders large areas of sub-Saharan Africa inhospitable for the more profitable livestock species and breeds. More directly, in humans, African trypanosomes cause the debilitating and often fatal disease African sleeping sickness, leading to a loss of 1.3 million disability-adjusted life years (DALY) to the African economy annually. The majority of trypanosome species are unable to infect humans due to an innate resistance mechanism. However, the T. brucei subspecies T. b. rhodesiense and T. b. gambiense have evolved to overcome this innate resistance and can infect humans. Of the two human-infective subspecies, T. b. gambiense is the more prevalent, causing more than 95% of human cases. Click to read more about Annette.
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Alexandra Mackay - WTCMP Administrator |