Dr Stephen Aston
Steve's Clinical PhD Programme Experience:
"I have for many years been interested in pursuing a research career, particularly one focused on addressing healthcare problems that mainly impact the developing world. Undertaking a fellowship at Liverpool with it's international reputation in global health research, strong international links and the track record of supporting junior fellows to intermediate fellowships and beyond, represented a fantastic opportunity and an excellent spring-board to an academic career. I am in the first few months of my fellowship and remain in the phase of setting up my project. Thus far it has been a steep learning-curve in the generic project management skills that support clinical research. I look forward to getting going with my project and generating some data.
My focus is currently on establishing and maintaining a successful project. Following completion of the PhD fellowship, I plan to return to Liverpool to complete my clinical training, hopefully within the context of a clinical lectureship from which I will be able to successfully apply for an Intermediate Fellowship.
See how Steve is getting on with his project:
Publications for Steve Aston
Pneumonia in the developing world: Characteristic features and approach to management
Aston S
Impact of HIV on the burden and severity of influenza illness in Malawian adults: a prospective cohort and parallel case-control study.
Ho A, Aston S, Jary H, Mitchell T, Alaerts M, Menyere M, Mallewa J, Nyirenda M, Everett D, Heyderman RS, French N.
Household air pollution, chronic respiratory disease and pneumonia in Malawian adults: A case-control study.
Jary HR, Aston S, Ho A, Giorgi E, Kalata N, Nyirenda M, Mallewa J, Peterson I, Gordon SB, Mortimer K
The pathophysiology of pneumococcal pneumonia
Wootton DG, Aston SJ, Gordon SB
The role of rapid diagnostic tests in managing adults with pneumonia in low-resource settings.
Stephen Aston
Pneumonia in low and middle income countries: progress and challenges
Zar HJ, Madhi SA, Aston SJ, Gordon SB.