About Us


Key Successes

  • Excellent track record: 46 individual fellowships and a further 18 clinical PhD fellowships. The Clinical PhD programme supports the development of PhDs, creates opportunities to exchange ideas and offers training in the scientific, financial and administrative skills necessary to run an overseas PhD. This programme is now in its sixth year.
  • Global reach: Colleagues across four continents in Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, India, Vietnam and Ecuador.
  • Supporting talent: 50% of those who have completed fellowships so far have gone on to hold senior academic posts in Liverpool. We have also supported seven Malawian nationals through their fellowships to date.

The Wellcome Trust Liverpool Glasgow Centre for Global Health Research is a collaborative centre between the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the University of Liverpool and the University of Glasgow Centre for Molecular Parasitology. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, it provides support for ongoing international research in a wide range of specialist areas. The centre was originally established in 1995 and the new partnership established in 2013.

The Centre is instrumental in recruiting and nurturing high-calibre clinicians and non-clinicians from across the world, working with them to develop and undertake first-class research in low and middle income countries. The breadth and discipline base of our supervisory pool and mentorship programme is second to none, and has led to our continually high success rates over the years, which we are very proud of.

As you will see there are a wide range of fellowship opportunities and a key strength of the Centre is the breadth of its international collaborators offering the most appropriate locations to carry out research of global significance, whilst providing first class international supervisory support. The career development support offered by the centre focuses very much on the development of a cohort of potential research leaders for the future.


Wellcome Clinical Phd Fellows Lab Work Student In Lab